Channel: Can I add a randoma effect to stat_poly_eq() in ggplot? - Stack Overflow
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Can I add a randoma effect to stat_poly_eq() in ggplot?


I am interested in adding a random effect to a ggplot using stat_poly_eq().

library (ggplot2)library(ggpmisc)data (mtcars)mtcars$gear   <- factor (mtcars$gear)mtcars$cyl    <- factor (mtcars$cyl)transmission <- data.frame ( code = c(1, 0),                             type = c("manual", "automatic"))mtcars$transmission <- setNames (transmission$type, transmission$code) [as.character (mtcars$am)]my.formula <- y ~ x p <- ggplot       (data = mtcars, aes(x=hp, y=mpg, group = 1)) +  facet_wrap   (~transmission, strip.position = "top", scales = "fixed", nrow = 1) +  ggtitle      ("car horsepower (hp) to effiency (mpg) based on cylinder and number of gears for American vs others cars") +  geom_point   ( size = 6, shape = 16, aes ( shape=cyl, color=cyl) ) +  scale_color_manual (name       = "number of cylinder",                      labels     = c (paste (levels(mtcars$cyl), "cylinders")),                      values     = c("turquoise", "orange", "red")) +  geom_smooth  (data = mtcars, method="lm",                formula = my.formula,                se = FALSE,                color = "blue",                fill = "blue") +  stat_poly_eq (formula = my.formula,                aes(label = paste(after_stat(eq.label), after_stat(adj.rr.label), after_stat(p.value.label), sep = "~~~")),                parse = TRUE,                size = 4,                col = "black") +  theme        (panel.spacing    = unit(0, "lines"),                strip.background = element_blank(),                plot.title       = element_text(hjust = 0.5,                                                color = "black",                                                size  = 14,                                                face  = "bold.italic"),                strip.placement = "outside")print(p)

working graph before random effect

I'd assume blocking and adding random effects would be the same as for any linear model (+ Block OR + (1 | random.effect). However, I am not getting the code to work. Does anyone have any good ideas?

Here is an example of what I am talking about using mtcars. In this case I'll ask you to imagine that the vehicle weight is a random effect (I understand that it is likely not random effect but the example dataset doesn't include a good random effect. Here is the code I use to add the random effect and the regression line fails.

my.formula <- y ~ x + (1 | mtcars$wt)

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